As GAFFL is connecting travelers to trip together ‘Review’ acts as a reference for our users. It is allowing us to build a stronger community that is based on trust and confidence.
Category: Getting Started
How to use your account features.
Can I review my trip mates after the trip ends?
Yes! After you travel with your trip members, all of you will be able to review each other. This will help build strong references for your profile as you keep using GAFFL.
What happens when I am invited to join a trip?
When you are invited, you can directly join the trip you are invited to.
Can I Invite people to join my trip?
Yes. After you have created a trip, you can invite people from ‘Discover’ or directly from their profiles. Click ‘Invite to Trip’ button to invite a traveler.
What is ‘Instant Connect’?
Instant connect is a feature which allows you to directly message your potential travel buddies. You can click ‘Discover’ on the main menu and ‘Instant Connect’ with travelers. You can also ‘Instant Connect’ with a traveler directly from his or her profile.
How do I discover people?
You can discover travelers by clicking on the ‘Discover’ button on the menu bar
What is Discover?
Discover allows you to find travelers who are currently at or traveling to a particular location. As a trip creator, you can also use discover to invite travelers to join your trip.
Who is a Trip Joiner?
A Trip Joiner is the person who joins an existing trip already started by the trip creator
Who is a Trip Joiner?
A Trip Joiner is the person who joins an existing trip already started by the trip creator.
Who is a Trip Creator?
Trip Creator is the person who initiates a trip, plans out the itineraries and spearheads the plans